Precautions Taken to Prevent Covid-19 in Our Facilities
For your protection and the protection of the staff that works in your facilities, we’re taking the following preventive measures:
- We’ll be checking temperature of the staff, suppliers, visitors and guests at the entrance of the Hotel.
- A brief survey and register upon admission.
- Application of antibacterial gel in hands of every person arriving at the Hotel.
- The use of foot sanitizing mat before entering the Hotel.
- Availability of antibacterial hand gel on counters and customer service bars for personal application.
- Line for customer service with a distance of 1.50 meters, respecting healthy distance between staff and customers.
- Especial conditions for the use of elevators.
- Use of face mask is mandatory at the inside of the Hotel.
- Trained, equipped and protected staff, developing activities, respecting healthy distance.
- Continuous cleaning and sanitation of elevators, countertops and public areas.
- Daily cleaning and sanitizing of the rooms.
- Duly signposted operating routes.
Additionally we have taken precautions for our Riscal restaurant
- Table assembly in front of the client.
- Menus on display to access by QR code.
- Buffet with anti-sneeze cover and an authorized member of staff in charge of serving food to the client.
- Signposted areas to promote social distancing in the buffet and cashier areas.